General pressure
F p = — [Pa = N/2m] A F = Newton Force [N] A = Area on which the force acts [m2]
F p = — [Pa = N/2m] A F = Newton Force [N] A = Area on which the force acts [m2]
p y = —— [m] r·g p = Pressure [Pa=N/m2] g = Earths gravity= 9,81 [m/s2] r = Density of liquid [kg/m3] r fresh water …
u2 — = Velocity Head [m] 2·g u = Velocity [m/s] g = Earths gravity= 9,81 [m/s2]
u21 u22 y1 + z1 + —— = y2 + z2 + —— + DH1-2 [m] 2·g 2·gy = Pressure Head [m] z = Potential Head …
Q = Cv·Cc·A0·²Ö(2·g·h) [m3/s] Cv = Velocity coefficient (0,97-0,99) [1] Cc = Contraction coefficient (0,61-0,66)[1] A0 = Wetted Area [m2] h = Pressure just before orifice [m] …
The existing combined sewer system in my street is replaced by a separate system with infiltration. This is part 1 , March 10, 2013
The existing combined sewer system in my street is replaced by a separate system with infiltration. This is part 1 , March 10, 2013
$latex LARGE Q=frac{2}{3}cdot bcdot sqrt[2]{2gcdot left({h_{2}}^{frac{3}{2}}-{h_{1}}^{frac{3}{2}} right )}$ b = Width orifice [m] g = Earths gravity= 9,81 [m/s2] h1 = Pressure at top orifice [m] h2 = Pressure at bottom …
m u = — [m2/s] rm = Absolute viscosity [kg/ms] m water 20°C = 1,00·10-3 [kg/ms] r = Density of liquid [kg/m3] r fresh water = 1000 [kg/m3] …